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¿Quién soy y por qué escojo este tema?

Me llamo Beatriz Moragón, soy estudiante de periodismo en la UCLM. He escogido este tema como proyecto de fin de carrera ya que creo que, aunque la población está concienciada de que el fútbol es el deporte que predomina en los medios, nadie lo había demostrado analizando la televisión pública. Este proyecto da respuesta a todas las teorías que podemos deducir tales como: el fútbol predomina sobre los demás deportes, la mujer solo es noticia cuando gana algún premio importante... etc.



The following paper aims to measure the content in the sports section of La 1 of TVE news.

Today, news of public and private chains invest a lot of time talking about sports content. There for, it is interesting to focus on the type of news that is broadcast, the frequency they refer certain male or female sports and the duration and importance which is given to sports news. Focusing on the Spanish public broadcast we will analyze the content of the news in this matter by measuring the values during the year 2015. With the intention to observe the time devoted to each one of the specialties, the perailing gerder and the audience measurement.  21 days will be analysed at random. After this analysis some conclusions will be drawn which will help to understand what happens. To do so, we will use some graphics to clarity the results. 

Finally, through the interviews to different journalists in the section of sports, we will show the current situation of sports in the public media.

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